Refocus Devotional

Refocus has twenty different devotional encouragements. Each day walks through a different Scripture and action step in areas that I hope and pray will help bring us to a place of both inward and outward spiritual growth. Each of these action steps have been foundational for me in my walk with Christ. They are not the end all be all, but I believe they cover a wide range of actions and steps that can help Christians Refocus in their walk with Jesus. In my writing journey for this devotional, God gave me these different topics along the way. My hope is that they all connect together to give us a perspective and inspiration for living out our faith. There will also be room in each devotional to journal, in order to process, pray and put into practice what God may be teaching us.

You can find the Refocus Devotional on Amazon HERE.

I pray this devotional encourages you to Refocus on Christ!

See what others are saying about the Refocus devotional….

“Every season of life requires us to refocus. Many of us lose our way when we either don’t refocus or refocus on the wrong things. Pastor Matthew Weaver has given us a great tool to help us. I’m excited for this devotional not only because the content is great but because I’ve seen Pastor Matthew live it out!”

Dr. Dustin Turner, Lead Pastor of Vintage Church in Metairie, LA

“Pastor Matthew’s devotional, Refocus, is a timely resource in todays day and time. In a time where we are constantly on the go from one thing to the next, Refocus challenges us not to forget about the MAIN thing which is communion and fellowship with Jesus.”

Irvin Wasswa, Campus Pastor of Tylertown Church in Clarksville, TN

“My friend and pastor, Matthew, has created this practical tool to help spur you on in your faith journey with Jesus. Refocus highlights biblical truths rooted in scripture and provides opportunities of practical implementation of what’s just been read. I believe Refocus can be a vital part in helping individuals have a rich and consistent time of encountering God though His word.” 

Christi Hagans, Licensed Professional Counselor at Full Life Counseling and Women’s Ministry Coordinator of Vintage Church in Metairie, LA

“Focus comes down to intentionality. In order to focus on God’s word, you must intentionally ignore distractions and intentionally keep your eyes on Jesus. Refocus will help you do exactly that! Get ready to dive deep into the readings, prompts, and prayers, because it might just change your life!” 

Derek Griffon, Student Pastor at The Bayou Church in Lafayette, LA

“Refocus is a must read. Each day’s devotional will point you to Jesus in a practical way. Whether you’re experiencing a dry season or just desire to grow even more spiritually, this 20 day journey will get you where you need to be” 

Paul Calcote, Host of Real People Real Talk Podcast and Young Adult Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX

“Refocus is a great devotion to add to your daily Bible reading. It helps you to pray, process and practice God’s Word as you read through this encouraging devotion, refocusing on Christ everyday as you walk through life.” 

Korey Sutton, Student Pastor at Eagles Landing Baptist Church in McDonough, GA

“Refocus is accessible, practical, and deeply rooted in the Gospel. Its simple and thoughtful explanations of deep Biblical truths make it easier to focus on Christ and His kingdom throughout the day.” 

Phil Vander Ploeg, Teaching Pastor at The Fold Church in Greenville, SC